2025 Annual Meeting Abstract Proposals
The abstract submission site for Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2025 is now open. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, February 27, 2025.
The top abstracts and posters accepted for presentation at PSTM25 will be recognized.
Plastic Surgery The Meeting exists for all plastic surgeons to share their knowledge to advance the specialty and improve patient care. We look forward to your contribution to the science and improvement of the practice of plastic surgery!
Submit Your Abstract By: February 27, 2025
Don't Wait to Submit!
The following needs to be complete at the close of the submission site:
- All co-authors need an ASPS record before they can be added to the abstract.
- Co-authors need to disclose before the "Call for Abstracts" submission site closes. Allow enough time for all co-authors to disclose.
- Co-authors CANNOT be added once the submission site closes and the abstracts go out for review.
Abstract Submission Steps
After clicking the 2025 Submit Abstract button, you will be prompted for sign in options. Select “Submitter/Speaker.” Then log in using your plasticsurgery.org credentials. If you do not have a plasticsurgery.org account, please click "Create New Account" and then choose account type “Medical Professionals.” Presenters will be limited to no more than 3 presentations. Also, there is no benefit to submitting a poster over an oral presentation. We accept more oral presentations than posters. Only submit a poster if you do not want an oral presentation. You may NOT submit the same abstract to both
- Identify your account - choose "Submitter/Speaker"
- Login using your plasticsurgery.org credentials
- If you don't have an account, create it by clicking "Create New Account"
- Choose account type "Medical Professionals"
- Then proceed with the abstract submission
- If your co-authors do not have plasticsurgery.org credentials, they will need to create an account before they can be added
It is important that all co-authors have ASPS accounts to expedite the process. Submitters will need to have the ASPS account information of all co-authors to begin the submission process. In accordance of the ACCME guidelines, all disclosures will need to be completed to progress in the submission process. Please allow yourself enough time to have all authors submit their disclosures. Submitting last minute could render your abstract incomplete and you could miss the deadline.
For assistance with plasticsurgery.org account creation or access, please contact memserv@plasticsurgery.org. US: (800) 766-4955 - Outside US: (847) 228-9900, ext. 471- Hours: 8:30AM - 5:00PM CST.
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