Off-the-Shelf Solutions for Optimizing Soft Tissue Restoration (Hosted By: MTF Biologics) Fri, Sep 27 3:30-4:30 p.m. PDT

Speaker: Dr. Brian Thornton

Optimal soft tissue restoration may require the synergistic support of different types of solutions to culminate in successful outcomes. These innovative solutions are provided by MTF Biologics, which is a non-profit organization founded and governed by surgeons, who are focused on providing effective solutions for their patients. MTF Biologics provides off-the-shelf allograft solutions that are aseptically processed without terminal sterilization or irradiation which preserves the inherent structural properties of the allograft tissue.  FlexHD Pliable, a reticular cut human ADM, provides a preserved scaffold structure and consistent graft thickness, and is available in different shapes/sizes to support soft tissue restoration. This native open, uniform, non-polar structure facilitates host cell infiltration and organized host tissue integration. Post-operatively, to further support soft tissue restoration and aesthetics, two off-the-shelf fat volume restoration and fat grafting options are available. Renuva allograft adipose matrix is the first off-the-shelf alternative to small volume fat grafting. LipoGrafter, is an efficient, closed autologous fat harvesting device using s low-pressure fat transfer system that minimizes fat cell damage and risk of contamination. Altogether, these off-the-shelf solutions can help optimize patient outcomes and soft tissue restoration with enhanced host response due to the preserved inherent properties of the allograft and autologous tissue.  

*Subject to change

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