Key Concepts for Plastic Surgeons to Managing Personal Financial and Investment Plans Thursday, September 19 Thu, Sep 19
80% of respondents to a recent survey have suggested that managing financial assets will be more important than their wages to achieve financial security. However, despite high incomes, plastic surgeons face specific hurdles related to managing their financial plans at each stage of their careers. This on-demand session will highlight key points for surgeons to improve financial literacy and approach uncertainty, behavioral bias, and risks.
Upon completion of this learning activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify typical blind spots and knowledge gaps.
- Better understand how to approach asset allocation and public equities as part a balanced investment program.
- Cultivate improved decision makings skills to achieve prudent goals at each career stage.
*Subject to change
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For hearing assistance in live sessions, please download the app "Live Transcribe" or visit Registration for additional help.